School Uniform

Our pupils are asked to wear a uniform:

  • In summer : Navy blue trousers/skirt and sky blue shirt with school logo.
  • In winter : The same with sweater and school cap
  • Sports dress : Navy blue lower and orange polo t-shirt with school logo.


The role of the governing body is to ensure that our school provides an effective education for our children and meets all the statutory requirements. This is a huge task, and our governors are committed and hard working. The day-to-day management of the school is delegated to the Headteacher and the governors act as ’critical friends’ to support any school improvement.


School Timing

Play Group to UKG

Morning –

Lunch –

Afternoon –

Class I to XII

Morning –

Afternoon –

Members of staff and teachers are present during recess time on the playground and also at the end of every day as the pupils leave school.

Our Aim

At Legend, we aim to

  • develop every child’s potential
  • nurture a life-long love of learning
  • create an exciting environment
  • encourage independent thinking
  • prepare every child to make a difference
  • ensure self esteem and confidence
  • share hopes and encourage optimism and self-belief
  • provide opportunities to reflect on life and learning
  • ensure everyone has a voice and an opportunity to be heard
  • encourage good health and well-being for all
  • tolerance, equality of opportunity and empathy
  • individuality
  • respect for others and their values
  • a partnership with parents and carers
  • the opportunity to learn from others, whatever their creed, colour or culture